Thursday, January 28, 2010

Life Gets Complicated

Recently updated storage locations for my laptop.
--Sent from my Virgin Mobile!
Location : Washington, DC

Sent from my Virgin Mobile

Facebook | oDesk: Introducing oDesk Team 3

Facebook | oDesk: Introducing oDesk Team 3

Monday, January 25, 2010

Virgin Mobile Announcement

Virgin Mobile Announcement

I deleted it.
Virgin Mobile Announcement in summary screen.
--Sent from my Virgin Mobile!

Sent from my Virgin Mobile

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This Blog Hijacked by Cracker

Much of the activity on this blog has been suspended for a period of time because it was hijacked by an interloper who posted "Adult Advertising" to it, including pictures, some of which seemed to originate from a Russian source. One post included a Cyrillic description whose title equated to "Prostitutes."

After having several countermeasures thwarted, I took a break before revamping security.

The likelihood of recurrence is unknown at present.