Friday, September 13, 2013

Канистра Сообщает Чернильницу О "Победе"

Вы знаете, сказала Канистра, что в хорошей легковой машине всегда есть Часы. Машина идёт -- и они идут. Машина стоит, -- а они всё равно идут. Вот такие Часы были в одной "Победе."

"Победа" эта была чудесной машиной, очень быстроходной. И все хвалили её за это.

А Часы не хвалил никто.

Понятно, что Часы завидовали машине. Она решили показать, что могут идти быстрее. И ушли вперёд почти на целый час.

Но их не похвалили. Наоборот, выругали и отдали в починку.

Часы удивлялись: ведь они спешили так же добросовестно, как и машина. Почему же ими недовольны?

Впрочем, в мастерской им быстро всё разъяснили. И часы вернулись на своё место. Теперь они уже твёрдо знали, что не во всяком деле нужно спешить. По крайней мере Часам это совсем не нужно.

-- Вы, кажется, из кабинета? -- спросил у Чернильницы Веник.

-- Да, я там живу и работаю, -- подтвердила Чернильница.

-- Тогда вам должно быть известно, как в кабинете повесили Занавеску?

-- Нет, я не помню.

-- Не помните? Ну, тогда слушайте.

Friday, August 09, 2013

How did Ashton Kutcher prepare for his role as Steve Jobs in the new movie Jobs?

What were the actor's sources into accurately playing a good Steve Jobs? Was the biography a major influence? What video research was used the most to understand his mannerism and demeanor? What were the other sources and processes used to understand the CEO and co-founder of Apple?

How did Ashton Kutcher become Steve Jobs ?

View Question on Quora

Friday, June 14, 2013

Windows 7: USB Transfers Slow?

Reblogged from Windows 7 -- by Anura Guruge:

If you have noticed that doing any kind of data transfer across USB with Windows 7 is somewhat slow, YOU are not alone.

This is yet another USB related problem in Windows 7.

Yes, we already know that Windows 7 has problems with un-powered USB Hubs ... though I think some of these can be fixed by changing the Windows 7 Power Management option for that USB controller.

Read more… 394 more words

I was looking for something else entirely when I stumbled across this post on this blog and recalled the absolutely wretched performance I had on my Windows 7 Professional for a memory card that I have that uses a small unpowered USB Adapter. I subscribed to Anura Guruge's blog because if this is any indication of the tips I could get, I'm on board!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tracy Levesque: Custom Post Types for Right-Brained Folks

Reblogged from WordPress.tv:

Reminds me of "Writing on Both Sides of the Brain: Breakthrough Techniques for People Who Write" by Henriette Anne Klauser.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What is the most amazing photo you have ever taken?

Answer by Martin Bennett:

This one, a self portrait with my family.

View Answer on Quora

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Is there any theory that was discovered or inspired during an examination, quiz or homework?

Answer by Michael Ishigaki:

There's a well-known account of George Dantzig, "the father of linear programming," during his time as a mathematics student at UC Berkeley. One day, Dantzig was running late to a class taught by the famous Jerzy Neyman. When he arrived, he saw three problems on the blackboard and scribbled them down as homework problems. After class, Dantzig began working on solving these three problems. He found two of the problems straightforward and easy, but one of the problems was particularly difficult. He struggled with that third problem until minutes before the homework assignment was due.

Six weeks later, on a Sunday morning, Dantzig was woken up by the noise of someone banging on the door of his house. He opened the door and was surprised to see his professor, Jerzy Neyman, at the door holding a handful of papers. His excited professor said, "I've written an introduction to one of your papers! Read it so I can send it out right away for publication!"

As it turns out, two of the three problems on the blackboard were not homework problems, but famous unsolved problems in mathematical statistics. Without knowing it, Dantzig solved two unsolved statistics problems for homework.

Later on, when Dantzig was having difficulty finding a topic for his thesis, Neyman told him to just put his solutions to those two problems into a binder and that Neyman would accept the solutions as Dantzig's thesis.

Sources: George Dantzig , Dantzig Obituary , The Unsolvable Math Problem

View Answer on Quora

Thursday, March 14, 2013

From Tumblr: bridget-malfoy: So is it just me or does Hetty look earily...

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/45379277691


So is it just me or does Hetty look earily similar to Edna Mode….

Just now sharing that observation with a few others.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

From Tumblr: cwnetwork: Check out this revealing script clip from Friday’s...

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/45282515332


Check out this revealing script clip from Friday’s all new episode of Nikita! Photo from Writer-Producer Albert Kim’s Twitter @MagicBranch

This is keeping me on edge: The “why trade one when  you can save both” theme makes me think that the ratings may have writers pulling out The Hail Mary.  Usually it’s one of those pawn-sacrifice move that loses the whole shooting match.  What can I say?  That’s how I play chess.  

From Tumblr: Sunglasses: Allowing you to stare at people without getting caught.

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/45243193567


It’s like Facebook in real life…


It’s right there, man — why am I adding anything?

From Tumblr: lookbookdotnu: I should have bought you flowers ♡ (by Emmi...

From Tumblr: ctfxcdailygifs: 1410 #2 CHOCOCHIP COOKIE! That is just too...

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/45246835630


1410 #2

That is just too good!  Mine used to ask for chicken, but he’d get all mental and choke on the small bones.  

From Tumblr: sparkthemusicblog: Fact, not opinion. I hope my friend sees...

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/45250206827


Fact, not opinion.

I hope my friend sees this: I’m sure she knows the expression, but I think she’ll appreciate the image.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

From Tumblr: I just posted something in this vein somewhere recently. The...

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/45165180863

I just posted something in this vein somewhere recently.

The Penny Jumper (by Lua P)

From Tumblr: I’m watching Cult “DVRing after Nikita while I...

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/44904433074

I’m watching Cult

“DVRing after Nikita while I watch Touch.”

1777 others are also watching. Cult on GetGlue.com

From Tumblr: I just unlocked the Nikita: Reunion sticker on GetGlue ...

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/44904503411

I just unlocked the Nikita: Reunion sticker on GetGlue

2257 others have also unlocked the Nikita: Reunion sticker on GetGlue.com

Nikita and Amanda are about to play nice! Congratulations, you just unlocked the “Reunion” sticker to commemorate their adulterated team work. Share this one proudly. It’s from our friends at The CW.

From Tumblr: I just unlocked the CULT: Being Billy sticker on...

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/44904436413

I just unlocked the CULT: Being Billy sticker on GetGlue

1636 others have also unlocked the CULT: Being Billy sticker on GetGlue.com

Being Billy isn’t the easiest task. Thanks for watching, you’ve unlocked the “Being Billy” sticker. Share this one proudly. It’s from our friends at The CW.

From Tumblr: I just wish I could go home.  

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/44983734011

I just wish I could go home.  

Monday, March 04, 2013

From Tumblr: First 25 to reblog

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/44554289509


  • must be following me
  • faves will be promoted 

Don’t know whether I’ll make it.  

Friday, March 01, 2013

From Tumblr: I just unlocked the Nikita: With Fire sticker on...

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/44332654395

I just unlocked the Nikita: With Fire sticker on GetGlue

1169 others have also unlocked the Nikita: With Fire sticker on GetGlue.com

If you try to cross Nikita, she will beat you down. If you try to extort her, she will beat you down. If you try to check into “With Fire” you will get a great sticker! Congratulations, you just unlocked the “With Fire” sticker! Share this one proudly. It’s from our friends at The CW.

From Tumblr: I’m watching Nikita “Why is nothing in the site...

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/44332650681

I’m watching Nikita

“Why is nothing in the site guide for “shows on now?” I’m watching.”

1300 others are also watching. Nikita on GetGlue.com

From Tumblr: Michelle M. took the words right out of my mouth. Higher up (by...

on tumblr: http://ernie-cordell.tumblr.com/post/44311142265

Michelle M. took the words right out of my mouth.

Higher up (by Angela L)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013