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REPORTER said...

Ayman El-Difrawi (Ayman A. El-Difrawi)
Aliases: "Alex Difrawi" "Alec Defrawy"; "Michael Difrawi"; "Michael Chandler"; "Michael Jensen"; "David Mellon"; "Alan Madison", "Alex Simon", "Alex Siman", Alec Difrawi

General Counsel from Three Stars Media sends Legal Warning to this Blog
Posted At : February 25, 2009 4:21 PM
Related Categories: ColdFusion,Legal

I received the following letter from the legal counsel of Three Star Media. Three Star Media is a company in Orlando who has been hiring many ColdFusion developers.

Keith E. Kress

Attorney at Law

2295 South Hiawassee Road

Suite 407

Orlando, Florida 32835

P: 321.293.3236

F: 321.293.3203

February 25, 2009

Via Email

David Fekke


Re: Blog Post http://www.fekke.com/blog/index.cfm/2009/2/24/Avoid-going-to-work-at-Three-Stars-Media

Dear Mr. Fekke:

My name is Keith Kress and I serve as General Counsel for Three Stars Media, Inc. I recently came across your blog post at http://www.fekke.com/blog/index.cfm/2009/2/24/Avoid-going-to-work-at-Three-Stars-Media

in which you advise individuals, specifically Cold Fusion programmers, not to go to work for Three Stars Media as a result of some individuals being laid off within a week of hire. Because you do not work for Three Stars Media you obviously have no knowledge regarding our business practices and your opinions are based solely on hearsay. As a result, I would appreciate if you would remove your defamatory post about Three Stars Media from your blog site as we interpret it to be libelous and damaging to our reputation. Should you refuse to remove the post within 24 hours Three Stars Media will take all legal action necessary to protect its interest and reputation.

Please respond and verify that you will remove the post within 24 hours.




Keith E. Kress

Attorney at Law


(321) 293-3236

I spoke to my attorney who suggested that I remove the post unless I can get sworn affidavits from the developers who were laid off from their jobs at Three Star Media after only one week. One of the developers told me that he would be willing to sign an affidavit once he/she finds a new job.

Based on that advice, I will be removing the post. If you you are or were a ColdFusion developer at Three Star Media, please feel free to email me davidfekke at gmail dot com about your experience working there.
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* Avoid going to work at Three Stars Media (February 24, 2009)

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John Dowdell's Gravatar That lawyer, and his client, need to look up "Streisand Effect". (It's better to positively engage in conversation than to attempt to remove existing conversation.)
# Posted By John Dowdell | 2/25/09 6:26 PM
Anonymous's Gravatar This company is a joke. They have no respect for their programmers. Whoever sent this letter to you must be worried about what people talk about it out there. Needless to say, a bad company like this one will have more unhappy programmers. We need to start reporting bad business practices. Maybe I will see about telling the BBB about this company.
# Posted By Anonymous | 2/25/09 6:41 PM
John Cebalos's Gravatar I was considering a job a this company but I thought it sounded suspicious when the recruiter told me that this was going to be like "Google". Well, it sounded fishy right at that point...
# Posted By John Cebalos | 2/25/09 8:26 PM
Jeff's Gravatar Perhaps the attorney should sue himself. That letter does much more damage than anything you posted.
# Posted By Jeff | 2/25/09 11:02 PM
Gary F's Gravatar Jeff is right. Usually when people kick up a fuss it generates more publicity and is counter productive. e.g. a Dutch MP came to Britain to show a controversial video to British MPs. The Home Secretary banned him from entering the country and he was thrown out. Because of that action (extreme censorship) it created far more publicity about the Dutch MP's cause than he could ever have achieved alone. (National headlines!)

Lesson: Censorship creates publicity about what you're trying to censor. I hope the people who lost their programming jobs find a new one soon.
# Posted By Gary F | 2/26/09 5:16 AM
JohnB's Gravatar It is very important to let people know about this company and their hiring practices. Tell all your friends and coworkers, especially those in the Orlando, florida area, to put out the word. I hope those programmers find good jobs soon.
# Posted By JohnB | 2/26/09 7:52 AM
Russell Brown's Gravatar This country has too many lawyers... Fortunately their letter spews of guilt and does almost as much damage as the original post... At least there is no way they can make you take down the letter...
# Posted By Russell Brown | 2/26/09 8:32 AM
TooShy2BAnnonymous's Gravatar There are a bunch of companies with bad managers. Not just this one. Current ads for a position in Knoxville fail to mention the recent layoffs. Head hunters with contracts that throw all liability ptoential straight into an underpaid developers lap. Florida "sunshine" rates that are too close to the poverty line. The bad folks are lining up to take advantage. How many have been let go only to be replaced by someone that will do it cheaper? This happens everywhere except in govt jobs. They protect themselves and don't care about you and me. When times get abusive you need a union. Just like Walmart employees are advised about govt handouts on internal only memos the IT industry will soon be making and in some cases does already less than assembly line wages. Any job is better than no job feeds into these greedy SOBs desire to keep it all for themselves.
Laid off after only a week? They're lucky they even got to stay that long. I wonder how cheap their replacements are working.
# Posted By TooShy2BAnnonymous | 2/26/09 11:00 AM
Jim Backer's Gravatar I am from New York City and I had the opportunity to talk with a few programming in Orlando, FL. I did talk to someone that had had an awful experience with Three Stars Media. It seems like this company puts up a front and then once they made you think that they got you into something good, they slap you back and forth and throw you out. Well, I am a lawyer with over 12 years of experience in New York and Nebraska. If it comes down to this company sending these kind of letters, I will come under fire. The Internet is a FREEDOM of speech environment with just a few restrictions. I am sure Mr. Keith knows what he is putting himself into.
# Posted By Jim Backer | 2/26/09 11:34 AM
Steve's Gravatar So, what about the people that got laid off? If they posted that on their blogs will they also get a letter telling them to remove the post? What a joke.
# Posted By Steve | 2/26/09 11:55 AM
CFinDc's Gravatar I am glad that I caught your post in my Outlook RSS so I could read the beginning. I saw their ads and was considering sending a resume but am unsure of the job market away from DC (there are still jobs here - mostly govt. or contractors.)

Glad to hear some inside scoop about one of these FL companies, positive or negative. To relocate to the area only to get canned would be an absolutely awful experience and could get someone in a real financial bind, and stranded without many other prospects.
# Posted By CFinDc | 2/26/09 1:44 PM


Alec Difrawi's Gravatar As the owner of this company, along with it's predecessor Internet Solutions Corporation, I can assure you that I have never been arrested for any crime, never served time in Federal prison for fraud related offenses and never sued anyone for saying bad things about me or my company.

Apart from Tabatha Marshall, Archie Garga-Richardson, Les Henderson, Frank Torelli and a host of others, that is.

ColdFusion is the backbone of my empire of internet advertising based on the pretense that my companies offer jobs to people. I can't very well help it if people don't want to drink the Kool-Aid and eat the Spam sandwiches at my company parties.

# Posted By Alec Difrawi | 2/26/09 8:07 PM